
Hi! My name is Igor and welcome to my english-learning blog! I've been studying English for 13 years now and I confess I know a trick or two for you all to succeed in this tremendous goal of achieving fluency.

My method doesn't really involve specific lessons dedicated to learning vocabulary or grammar, I would rather help you to immerse yourself in the language environment by surrounding you with up-to-date products in English depending exclusively on your interests, since I strongly believe that the more you spectate one speaking your target language, the better you become in it yourself. As an example here are my Youtube recomendations.

As you can see there isn't a single video in Russian, which is my mother tongue. Not because I intentionally avoid it, but because the amount of useful videos in English and Russian is simply incompatible, normally I meet 1 out of 20-30 videos in Russian in my recommendations. At first it will be quite challengling since you'll have to basically follow the subtitles trying to grasp the plot usually at 0.5 speed, making whole transcripts. But the more you do it, the better you become, to the point that you'll understand everything and just stumble upon a new word or expression from time to time. Once you've immersed yourself enough, you'll simply stop recognising the difference between watching videos in different languages. Moreover, your own English will sound a lot more natural, freed from the shambles of memorised constructions from outdated textbooks.

Stay tuned to the 2nd part to find out how to start.


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