Services for creating material

Let's have a little talk about the services that might come in handy for creating presentations. As you probably know, there are plethora of different services each of them providing its own benefits and having specific disadvantages, but all of them might be in at least one point better than omnipresent Powerpoint.


The best word to describe Prezi with is just magnificent. This service lets you create presentations with lots of layers inside layers so that in the end presentation appears quite simple on the surface despite being quite complex as you progress inside it.  All slides are located on a huge desktop and switch between each other using the zooming effect, which allows you to create a real presentation scenario without being distracted by developing additional ways to attract the viewer's attention. The zooming effect gives the narrator the opportunity to improvise with the presentation and move along a non-linear scenario, which strongly distinguishes Prezi from other tools.
However, with a wide range of instruments Prezi is quite difficult for a beginner to master and the free version has limited functionality.


An Internet service that was supposed to turn into a multimedia version of Wikipedia, but developed into a full-fledged tool for creating video presentations. All kinds of elements (images, texts, links, videos, maps, twitter feed, and so on) can serve as materials for the presentation. Unlike a regular video, in the viewing mode, the user has the opportunity to interact with the contents of the screen in various ways, without interrupting the storyline and the voice of the announcer.
Unfortunately, it does not work offline and is not available on the iPhone. To date, there are problems with access to the service.


The largest service for placing slide presentations on the Internet. A very simple tool for publishing lessons and manuals has united a giant community of teachers from all over the world. Here you will not be helped in the design of the presentation and in creating an interesting scenario, but you will be able to find a huge number of works and track the interest of the audience in your idea.
It's easy of to and has the possibility of introducing presentations in social networks and to collect analytical information about the audience who viewed your presentation.
However, there are quite strong limitations in the size of downloadable presentations in the free version.


The Projeqt user can collect all his materials into a project and create not a linear story, but an interactive catalog that can be placed on the site or used as a personal page. The main feature of the Project is that the information placed in the project structure can change automatically (for example, the twitter feed is automatically updated and always remains relevant).


A full-fledged browser application and an excellent tool for creating slide presentations with a large number of interactive elements and additional services. The service is convenient because it allows you to import all already created presentations using PowerPoint or Google.

To sum it up, here are some presentations I made using the mentioned services:

That's all for now, thanks for your attention!


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