Web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0

As you probably now, the Internet we see nowadays is not what it used to be even a few years ago, let alone a whole generation. To better understand the difference between the 'generations' of Internet and to use them to our advantage is this article.

Web 1.0 was mainly a platform which purpose was to transfer information from one moderator to a group of interested people. It was characterised by low internet speed, one-way channeling of information and very limited ability to share information between users. This period lasted roughly from 1994 (when the Internet started gaining worldwide popularity) to 2004 when it gradually evolved into Web 2.0 after the .com crisis.

Examples of Web 1.0 website

Web 2.0 is characherised by a enhanced ability of users to share information, the Internet became a true web where all the links where interconnected rather than all of them connecting to a single point like it was in Web 1.0. The Internet started to be used as a sort of 'virtual showcase' of one's life with an ability to post and share photos, videos and texts. With the development of new programming languages like Java, Python and HTML the design of the websites evolved too. The ability to find right information stopped being one and only criteria of usefullness and the website outlook started playing role too. The Internet became essential for using services and conducting business.

Example of Web 2.0 website

Roughly speaking we still live in 2.0 era, although the manifestations of a new, Web 3.0 era, are starting to show themselves. Web 3.0 is characterised by an overall penetration of our day-to-day live - all our devices, from washing machine to a household security system, become connected to the one single network, Internet becomes some sort of 'artificial continuation' of our own lives. Of course it's a long way till it becomes an all-encompassing reality, but we're surely on our way to it.

Thanks for your attention, Olesya Gennadievna, and stay tuned for a new article.


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