
Сообщения за декабрь, 2022

Top 5 blogs

 Well, it's time to say goodbye. It was quite demanding experience because there's so many things you have to do as a 4th year student, but it's satisfying to put another tick in your notepad. Here I would like to share top-4 blogs of my fellow groupmates which I particularly enjoyed reading while doing this. 4)  https://naturenglisch.blogspot.com/ This is blog by Alina which I really liked for it's sofisticated and deeply careful decorations, her articles are well-written and conveniently presented, which makes the whole process even better to comprehend. 3)  https://tolearnornottolearn1337.blogspot.com/ This is blog by Dasha, which I especially liked for its vivid and witty titles. I would say she made great use of our Mass Media classes. Some of them represented my opinion about the topic so accurately I wanted to cry. And I grinned at the pictures she chose to accompany her articles. 2)  https://kisenglishel.blogspot.com/ This is blog by Ksiusha and it is so aest...

Quizlet, QR

Let's speak today on the following topics 1) QR-codes Actually if you don't live somewhere in the middle of African jungle, you wouldn't surprise anyone with QR-codes. These are little pictures consisting of specific number of white and black pixels in different combinations, scanning which you will find yourself on a website. This is very useful thing if we compare it to the fact that before you had to manually put all the letters, numbers and dots if you wanted to get to the website. Now you can just move your camera to the code and access the website. It's actually pleasing to see that our own transport system is actively implementing that thing on the bus stops so you can easily access the transports' schedule. 2) Quizlet Honestly, there isn't much to be said about quizlet apart from the fact that it is unbelievably useful. Every student who ever had to memorise an enormous amount of foreign words is familiar with these little cards you can make to write a f...


Today's topic is massive open online courses (MOOCs)  - these are online courses which have few clear definitions: 1) they are aimed at very large amount of users 2) they are free or semi-free (meaning they may have some paid content but most of the material stays free) 3) they are very flexible in all sences: you can both study it in whatever order convenient for you, and you can add the material yourself, provided you prove you're capable to do so. Lots of modern universities are introducing MOOCs a part of their own curricula. It not only helps to keep the material up-to-date, it also massively reduces the amount of upkeep: after all you don't have to pay a lecturer to deliver one lecture 100 times when you can pay him once to make a video of it. And in the same time, other speakers may emerge and share their material on the MOOC. Here are some examples of most popular MOOCs: edX EdX is an open-source platform offered by edX.org. It is the same platform that universities...


Today we're going to be talking about the Wiki sources. Wiki is a type of server software that allows you to work with data on a remote server on the Web. Users interact with the software through a web interface that lets them read, edit and publish content. At the user's level, a wiki is a website with an “Edit” button. Clicking the “Edit” button allows you to edit the current page and save it for other Internet users to see. Like any other website, it is accessed through a website address, also known as URL which can be bookmarked and shared. It can also be accessed from any device with an Internet connection. Obviously the most well-known wiki today is Wikipedia  - online encyclopedia, where you can find the information on really any possible topic that you can come up with. Of course the trustworhiness of this material will always be doubtful since any person on the planet can edit it, but it is useful at least to find sources on the topic for your own needs.  Speaking of ...

Survey services

Wow, it's been a long time since the last blog... Anyway, let's get into it. As you probably agree, one of the pleasures which the Internet provides is its infinite amount of people involved and thus, the great variety of opinions you're able to get to know. However, you can't just collect opinions sporadically (actually you can but that would be a hell of a task), which is why such thing as 'Survey service' comes to our aid. Survey service is a platform which allows to conduct opinion polls among any group of people and is restricted, honestly speaking, only by your own imagination. It's eligible for everything: from political opinion polls to trivias about pets. And just like there is an infinite amount of topics you can conduct the polls on, there's also a near-infinite amount of tools you can use to do so. I'll mention the most popular: Socrative Socrative is a quiz-based, formative assessment tool with multiple features that can enrich teaching ...